Governance Board Committees The Board's responsibilities, duties and authorities are set forth in each committee’s charter, which have been approved by the full board and are reviewed annually. Audit and Finance Committee Anders Gustafsson, ChairJamie A. BeggsAhmet C. DorduncuKathryn D. SullivanScott A. TozierAudit and Finance Committee Charter Governance Committee Clinton A. Lewis Jr., ChairChristopher M. ConnorJacqueline C. HinmanAnton V. VincentGovernance Committee Charter Management Development and Compensation Committee Jacqueline C. Hinman, ChairChristopher M. ConnorClinton A. Lewis Jr.Anton V. VincentManagement Development and Compensation Committee Public Policy and Environment Committee Kathryn D. Sullivan, ChairJamie A. BeggsAhmet C. DorduncuAnders GustafssonScott A. TozierPublic Policy and Environment Committee Charter Executive Committee Mark S. Sutton, ChairChristopher M. ConnorAnders GustafssonJacqueline C. HinmanClinton A. Lewis Jr.Andy SilvernailKathryn D. SullivanExecutive Committee Charter Board of Directors Governance Documents